Why write a blog you might say? Well, personal pride in my progress I guess is one reason, being accountable to myself and whoever reads this another. Overall, I want people to get a realistic, unbiased review of the Gastric Bypass Hypnosis program. If it "works for me" then it should work for anyone. Anyone struggling with weight issues will be able to recognize themselves in my struggle, will be able to sympathize when I fail and cheer when I succeed.

Weight Loss Ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

This ticker shows all the weight I have lost since my jouney began. My starting weight for the Christopher Adams Gastric By-Pass Hypnosis Kit was 311

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


As a child, playing, running, jumping and having a great time was the highlight of my day.  When did that change?  When did exercise become a bad word?  Why did it become an effort instead of something that was fun and something to look forward to?

Looking back, as I hit puberty and the weight started to stay on, I re-developed my childhood asthma, that put a big crimp in my exercising and I began to fear it.  Exertion of any type would leave me winded, gasping for oxygen and possibly vomiting or passing out.  Add to that my great propensity for getting injured - many injuries to ankles, knees, ligaments and tendons that left me the walking wounded.  And I am beginning to see how exercise had lost its allure.

Fast forward to my college - between part time jobs, interning (for free!) and my classes, there was very little extra time in my schedule.  The small bits we could scrape together usually found us hanging out at a pub, having wings and beer and possibly doing homework on the side.

I made numerous attempts to get fit throughout the early years of marriage - but the kids came so fast and were such a hindrance to getting to a gym.  Just trying to get out the door with 3 kids under 3 and all the things that they require left me frazzled and exhausted.  Getting to the gym and trying to fit in a work out between the limited time two of them could be in childcare and the 3rd could be in a tots program left me rushing and unable to participate in the group programs such as aerobics, and there by limiting my sense of accountability to anyone there.  By the time I dragged 3 tired and cranky kids to the van, I was so frustrated, on the verge of tears and would binge at the nearest drive through!

As subsequent children came and the weight kept on coming, activities such as walking, biking and going to the park just became more and more difficult.

Fast forward another 10 years and I am happy to say we again have a family membership at the YMCA which is just a short drive away.  We have it scheduled in stone that we go as a family 3x a week.  Now I still experience the frustration of getting everyone where they need to go, and working within their schedules, but we are working on it.  Of course if anyone is sick and can't go I am still the one that ends up staying home with them, but that is a discussion I need to have with my dh and not just expect him to realize I would like to go that day.  On the days I do get there, I get on the treadmill and do my 30 mins on cardio hills.  I have my earphones in and zone out to an audiobook.  If I don't listen to a book, I spend the whole time watching the clock and then suddenly I can't complete the 30 mins.  Then I do some cool down laps on the track and do another 15 mins on the bike.  By then, it is time to pick up the toddler.  Lately, with all the colds and flus going around, I have only been making it about 1x a week.  While it is better than nothing, I really would like to improve that.

I also have invested in Wii Zumba.  It is fun and really gets me moving....when I actually do it.  I would love to do Zumba with a real class, but until I get past my embarrassment at my less than stellar moves, the Wii version will have to suffice!

Today, I did my 20 mins of Zumba and then put on Just Dance 2 and did the Just Sweat Mode for 8 songs!  Now sitting here with my big drink of water, I am feeling pretty darn good about myself.  I have two sick kids at home, but where I normally would have used that as an excuse not to exercise, I DID IT!

As always, the quotes and pics I use have been found on Pinterest - I have a whole board set up with Weight Loss Inspirations!

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