Why write a blog you might say? Well, personal pride in my progress I guess is one reason, being accountable to myself and whoever reads this another. Overall, I want people to get a realistic, unbiased review of the Gastric Bypass Hypnosis program. If it "works for me" then it should work for anyone. Anyone struggling with weight issues will be able to recognize themselves in my struggle, will be able to sympathize when I fail and cheer when I succeed.

Weight Loss Ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

This ticker shows all the weight I have lost since my jouney began. My starting weight for the Christopher Adams Gastric By-Pass Hypnosis Kit was 311

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm back!

Been away for a long time.  Haven't been logging my food or tracking my exercise.  Haven't been exercising as much as I wanted to and haven't been careful with my eating and I haven't been weighing myself.  And of course if I have let all that slide, I haven't made the time to listen to the tracks either.  Add all that together and I have gained a couple of pounds. 

Do I have a good excuse for any of this?  Good?  Maybe not, but excuses I have by the dozens!  Some are better than others, but mostly, life has been crazy hectic.  My work shut down for the summer so I have had to switch my entire life back to daytime hours.  Which means the nice schedule I had set up for myself, finding time to do things on my break at work, or when the kids were in school and the toddler was at my mom's has gone out the window.  I am back to on duty Mom 24/7.  Not that I am ever not a Mom 24/7, but now I am home and awake and available for all manner of needs, wants, crisis, appointments, school trips etc.

For the next couple of months I need to develop a new routine, a new schedule that I can keep to and benefit from.

So I guess my question right now is, do I start from the beginning with the tracks?  Start all over and work my way up to the operation again?  I will drop in on the Facebook forum and ask the question there as well, but as it stands, that is what I am going to do.

In the spirit of starting over, I have finally posted my measurements.  I have delayed this for an incredibly long time because I was just plain afraid of the numbers.  But here they are.

Neck 17", Waist 53.5, Hips 60", Thigh 28", Upper Arm  19", Chest  53"

I had also promised photos.  UGGGGHHHHHH!  OK here I am in all my glory!  (flash is deliberate!)