Why write a blog you might say? Well, personal pride in my progress I guess is one reason, being accountable to myself and whoever reads this another. Overall, I want people to get a realistic, unbiased review of the Gastric Bypass Hypnosis program. If it "works for me" then it should work for anyone. Anyone struggling with weight issues will be able to recognize themselves in my struggle, will be able to sympathize when I fail and cheer when I succeed.

Weight Loss Ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

This ticker shows all the weight I have lost since my jouney began. My starting weight for the Christopher Adams Gastric By-Pass Hypnosis Kit was 311

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not fast enough - but it will have to do

I withstood the pressures of the Easter long weekend pretty well.  We had the usual family get together with lots of food, treats and desserts.  But, I was sensible and kept my portions small but varied - getting lots of tastes and flavours without over indulging.  I even did pretty good with the chocolate - I had an occasional mini chocolate pilfered from one of the kids baskets, but not the choco-fest I would have had in the past.

Kids are sick AGAIN!  So again, my trips to the gym are limited, but I have been increasing my walk during my lunch hour to compensate.

My Doctor's advice all these years was just to watch my portion size - if I did that the weight would just melt away.  Other's told me to simply add more water to my diet and I would notice "immediate results".  And of course everyone has said to just get moving - not necessarily exercise but just get moving more - walk more.

So I have done all those things PLUS listening to the tracks and while the weight is coming off VERY slowly, I had hoped for something a little more dramatic.

I guess I had expected that by doing everything "right", I would see immediate results - just like everyone said I would.  Now I don't know if another person would see dramatic results and it is just my body being stubborn or what, but I would certainly enjoy seeing the numbers on the scale going down at a much quicker rate.

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